Political Fantasy Football Team Names [ Pop, Smart, Politically Incorrect ]

If you are a political person who also loves to play football, then what could be the best way to show your love for both fields than choosing a team name that is a combination of sports and politics?

We know how hectic football practice sessions are, and that is why we do not want to give you another headache of searching for the best team names.

You do not need to worry now because we have already done this work for you.

We have listed the best options for you in this list, so it will get easier for you to choose a team name according to your team’s personality.

However,  if you want to create your own team name and just need some suggestions, then do check out the tips at the end of this article for brainstorming ideas.

Political Fantasy Football Team Names | Politically Incorrect, inappropriate, Creative & Popular Political Fantasy Football Team Names


We have arranged a list of Funny, Cool, Creative, and Strong team names that make your team look the best among other teams. Political Fantasy Football Team Names

Inappropriate Fantasy Football Team Names

A funny team name is the best option which can never go wrong. These funny names will not only make you smile but also enhance the bond of your team  members:

1. Mean Allegations:    They accuse each other after losing.

2. Trumpkins: They are absolutely crazy.

3. Better Supporters Than Players: Can you believe their honesty?

4. Cunning Strategies:    Smarter than you think.

5. Scandalous Pitches: Not the most trustworthy team on the field.

6. Corrupt Machines: They will do us no good.

7. Political Sitcoms: No less than a comedy show.

8. Too Many Scandals: No honor in this team.

9. Unsavory Business:    They are morally offensive.

10. Mystical Fraudsters:  Never trust this team.

11. Lame Ducks:    Falling behind in making scores.

12. Low Reputation:    Spectators do not have positive opinions about this team.

13. A Rally Of Vulgarity:  When you put together a team of obnoxious peeps.

14. Unsavory Beaters:    Lacking morals.

15. The Irrelevant:    They make no sense.

16. Couch Kings:    They’d prefer to watch sports on tv.

17. The Flippers:    They are famous for defrauding.

18. Sons of Trump:    Arguing with them is just impossible.

19. Evil Doers: Not the nicest bunch.

20. Corrupt Aliens:    Simply out of this world.

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Political Fantasy Football Team Names

21. Fake Tears For Publicity: Too much attention seeking

22. George In The Bush:     Probably hidden somewhere.

23. The Unethical Foulers:    They are out to get you, not the ball.

24. Creepy Joes:  They surely will make you uncomfortable in the field.

25. Gold Diggers:    Digging for what counts.

26. Spin Doctors:    Good at manipulating others.

27. Bush Gone Wild:    Unstoppable.

28. Blow The Trumpets:  Because the winders are here.

29. Moving Forward:   Looking back was never an option.

30. Mysterious Agendas:     You can never reach their mind.

31. Slaying Policies:   Their creative ideas will always amaze you.

32. Chiefs Justice:   Ready for anything.

33. Agree To Disagree:   Never accept the opposing positions.

34. The Only Contender Here:    With pride.

36. So Good Our Opponents Cheer Us:    They like to boast.

Donald Trump Fantasy Football Names

35. Trump Up The Bar:   Raising the bar for opponents.

39. Trump’s Wife:    Respect better be shown.

37. Accidency or Presidency?:   You tell.

44. Making America Great Again:   Say it with pride.

41. Political Chicks With Kicks:    Lethal Kicks.

47. Trumpty Dance:   Winning with style.

50. Trump By Nature:    They do not play by rules.

57. Trump tantrums:   Can you deal with all the mood swings?

62. Dump Trump:   Getting rid of their opponents with style.

63. Trumpty Dance:   A bit too excited.

60. Insane Trump:    Losing their sanity but winning.

64. Trump’s theory:    Only the wittiest will survive.

88. Making Football Great Again:   Straight up awesome.

Politically Incorrect Fantasy Football Names

38. Barack, Paper, Scissors:   Cool.

40. Mind Games:    Pretty good in manipulating.

42. Killer Campaigns:   Striking fear into their opponent.

43. Close but No Cigar:    Their opponents will never be able to understand what they had planned.

45. Professional Lip Readers:    Always in sync together.

46. Political Force:    To be reckoned with.

48. Making Bad Choices:    Always making wrong decisions.

49. Destructive Agendas:    Tearing up the pitch.

51. Scandal Queens:    They own the pitch.

52. Killing Strategies:   So you best be prepared.

53. Sisters Before Ministers:   A new unwritten rule.

54. The Ronaldo Administration:    You can also use your favorite player’s last name.

55. Strategic Strikes:    Better than anyone.

56. The Chosen Ones:    Highly confident.

58. Dictatorship:    Intimidating other players.

59. Hillary ha-ha Clinton:   Nothing is a challenge for them.

Pop Culture Fantasy Football Team Names

If you prefer a team name that is filled with puns and jokes, then this category is for you:

61. Dark Horse Rules:   They are really fast.

65. Rock, Paper, Clinton:   Stealing the game with this name.

66. Oval Offense:    In reference to Oval Office and team’s offense.

67. Beast and Baiden Mode:    Aggressiveness and Grace combined.

68. Biden Scores:  In all the right places.

69. Political Life Crises:    Life’s certainly not easy.

70. Democratic Response:   Doing what is right.

71. High Rates Of Scores:  The other team is not even talented enough to beat the scores.

72. Voting You Out:   They will kick you out like a pro.

73. Sole Ministers:    Always sticking with each other.

74. Howling Hillary:    Hunting for touchdowns.

75. Deflating your party:    When you lose to this team.

76. Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall:  And then had a great fall.

77. Hillary Kicks:    Lethal Kicks.

78. Classy And Sassy:    Scoring with style.

Most Popular Political Fantasy Football Team Names

Here is the list of strong team names to show your opponent that you were meant for this game:

79. The Elected Ones:   The opponents won’t believe how much you scored.

80. Campaign For Goals:    Always looking for ways to score.

81. Making Fantasy Great Again:   Win after the win.

82. Political Queens:    The game and the power belong to her.

83. A Promising Win:   Impressive.

84. The Big Government:   This game belongs to them.

85. Atomic Power:    Playing like fire.

86. The Political Force:   Do not mess with this force.

87. Go Joe:   Unstoppable.

Smart & Creative Politically Incorrect Fantasy Football Team Names

89. Pretty Tough:     And rough.

90. The Influencing Party:   They make their own rules.

91. First Lady Eagles:    Soaring above the rest of the opponents.

92. Football Acolytes:   They’ve got moves.

93. Party Who Scores:    Get used to it, guys.

94. Political Attacks:    Their opponents won’t know how to defend themselves from them.

95. Failure is Temporary, Pride is Forever:    A life rule.

96. Football Fever:    Football can get pretty addictive.

97. Political Divas:    Feisty and Classy.

98. Feminists League:    Stomping out patriarchy in the field.

99. On The Campaign:   Spend money now and think about consequences later.

100. A Party Who scores:     Yeah, get used to it.

101. 99 Problems But Scoring Isn’t One:   It never was.

102. Untamed Party:     Can’t be told what to do.

103. Promising You Victory:   No other team has a chance.

How to Create a Political Fantasy Football Team Name?

When it comes to political fantasy football team names, you will never be out of ideas.

You just need a head start, and that is why we have listed some tips for you.

These tips will help you in brainstorming the best and most creative ideas.

Search for Political Events or Scandals

From inspiring political events to hilarious scandals, you will everything on the internet.

You can take inspiration from those events. The more hilarious the event, the funnier the team name you can create from it.

Search for Political Terms

Search for political terms on the internet. You will find so many political terms there like campaign, event, election, party, democracy, etc. Use those terms in your team name.

Use the Name of a Famous Politician or Football Player

If you have a favorite football player and you are also into politics, then use these names to create a perfect team name.

Merge the person’s name with political terms or events to make your team name creative and unique. You can also use hilarious terms to create a funny team name.

For Example, Trump Dance, Trump League, Baiden Scores, etc.

Take Suggestions

The best way to get plenty of suggestions would be to ask other members about it. With plenty of options, it will get easier for you to select the one that is liked by all other team members.

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Creating a political fantasy football team name is actually fun. We also enjoyed writing all these names for you.

That is why each name is unique and creative. Feel free to steal any and share with us the best one from the above list.