Rules Of Tetherbal | How to Play [ Basic Winning Strategies, Fouls ]

Tetherball is a famous game. The basic rules of Tetherball require two players to strike a volleyball with their hands.

In the game setup, a ball is suspended from a stationary metal pole. A rope or tether is used for this purpose.

The game has further winning strategies, fouls, etc., as explained with basic official rules. In the beginning, the two players stand on two opposite sides of the pole.

Now each of them tries to hit the ball one way. One does it clockwise, and the other counterclockwise.

Tetherball Game


It is a game played with a ball suspended by a string. An upright pole is used in which the object is to wrap the string around the pole.

This is to be done by striking the ball in a direction opposite to that of one’s opponent The ball used to play this game is also named tetherball.

Tetherball rules how to play

Basic Setup Of The Game

  • Reserve an area of ​​16 to 20 feet for the game.
  • Dig a hole in the center of the spot, 1 foot deep and 18-24 inches in diameter.
  • The bottom of the column should protrude ½ inch from the surface.
  • Put the bottom of the column into the hole and cover half of it with soil and/or gravel.
  • Fill the rest of the hole with cement while keeping the bottom of the pile at a 90° angle to the ground.
  • Connect the parts of the three pillars, making sure that each part clicks into place.
  • If necessary, inflate the clamping ball with a pump.
  • The top post hinge inserts the post to the bottom of the post.

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Tetherball Rules, Game Strategies & Fouls

The most important way is controlling an extreme angle when Performing. By striking the ball down. It should be done in a way that the ball can swing high over your opponent’s head.

This is always considered a good tactic. It’s also significant to use both hands when playing tetherball.

Rules About TouchIng The Rope In Tetherball

It is considered a foul.

  • The players are not permitted to touch the pole.
  • Even touching the rope at any point while playing a tetherball game is prohibited.
  • However, the players are sanctioned to hit the ball only once per lap around the pole.
  • unless the ball either comes in contact with the pole itself or touches the opponent.

Technique To Hit A Tetherball

  • The player should open the hand for control.
  • He should have clenched fists for a combination of strength.
  • In the case of an offense, the two hands are closed, and the fists are held together.
  • The player opens his hands while on defense.
  • There are some unpredictable blows indicated by closed-hand knuckle hits.
  • And never hold the ball. This is a foul.

Basic Rules Of Tetherball

Two players play the game simultaneously.

Two players face each other. They stand in a tetherball circle. Whereas the others stand outside the circle.

Now the server brings the ball into the game by hitting the ball in one direction towards the pole.

On the other hand, the other player hits the ball in the other direction. He intends to send it around the pole.

The winner is the player who thoroughly enfolds the rope around the pole.

If a player commits a foul during the game, the entire game will stop and the foul player will continue the game.

The first player in the line enters the circle and becomes a new player. The new player serves, choosing the side and direction of the shot.

Fouls that take a Player out of the Game

It is a foul to hit the ball with both hands. The players can not touch it with any part of the body other than the forearm.

The players can not hold the ball directly in front of the opponent with their hands.

Neither can they catch or block the ball to prevent the game from continuing. Moreover, they can not touch the barbell on any part of the body.

It is not allowed to knock the rope with the forearm or both hands. Enter the opponent’s field on the line.

Get one or two hits on your playing field, or throw the ball.

The Game Stops when a Foul is Executed

The players need to show good sportsmanship and honesty by stopping when they know they have committed a foul.

One should not wait for the opponent to call on it. The player should stop the movement of the ball instantly and go to the end of the waiting line.

How tall does a tetherball pole have to be?

A 10-foot rope ball usually has a recessed rod connected to the rope. Some loops have just been extended.

But this is not very common because it can be painful to hit the loop with your hands.

The height of the pole depends on the size of the player. it can reach 2.1 m.

Tetherball Game Winning Tactics

  • Keep the ball under control to win the game.
  • Aim at your shot so that the ball cannot reach the opponent.
  • The player must notice the opponent’s movements.
  • Adjust the position to prepare for the best shot out of control.
  • Keep the momentum of the ball.

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Frequently Asked Questions Tetherball

1.  Can you catch the pole or rope in the tetherball game?

No, it is considered a foul. The players are not permitted to touch the pole.

Even touching the rope at any point while playing a tetherball game is prohibited.

2. When are the players sanctioned to hit the ball?

The players are sanctioned to hit the ball only once per lap around the pole. unless the ball either comes in contact with the pole itself or touches the opponent.

3. Is Tetherball dangerous?

The problem that comes with these Tetherball poles is that children can be hit. If the ball comes at high speeds, it can harm the children.

Even the rope can cause wounds and even knock players onto the ground.

4. How do I get better at Tetherball?

To win the game of Tetherball, the players need to know the conditions to win. It is also important to understand how to beat the opponent.